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Executive Board

2013-2014 Officers
President-Deanna Berrier

Vice President-Vicki Church

Secretary/Treasurer-Christina Hurst


The duties of the president shall be to: 
a. Preside at meetings and serve as chairperson of the Executive Board.
b. Appoint committee chairpersons as needed.
c. Maintain contacts with district and state unit(s) of the Association.
d. Represent the Association at local, district, state, and national meetings which pertain to the teaching profession.
e. Plan the program for the year’s work in cooperation with the Executive Board.
f. Prepare, with the assistance of the treasurer, a proposed budget for the ensuing year.
g. Serve as an ex-officio member of all committees and perform all other functions usually attributed to this office.
h. Organize meetings with the Superintendent and local officials.
i. Work to increase membership.

Vice President
The duties of the vice president shall be to:
a. serve as the official representative of the Association at the direction of the president or Executive Board
b. Perform the duties of the president in the absence of the president.
c. Attend all meeting as directed by the president.

The duties of the secretary shall be to:
a. Record and preserve a complete record of proceedings of all meeting of the Executive Board and the Education Advocate Representative Assembly.
b. Provide the president with a copy of the minutes within 10 days after such meetings.
c. Distribute a monthly newsletter to Executive Board and Education Advocate Representatives to be shared with members.

The duties of the treasurer shall be to:
a. Be responsible for the safekeeping and accounting of all funds belonging to the Association and shall disburse them as authorized by the president, the Executive Board, or the Education Advocate Representative Assembly.
b. Have the records of the funds submitted for a financial review at the end of each fiscal year and shall supply the president with a copy of the financial review.
c. Present a financial report to the Education Advocate Representative Assembly at the regular meetings.

Wilkes County Association of Educators-WCAE

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